豐柏登山步道 Fengbo Plaza
豐柏廣場位於八卦山脈南端,入口設有停車場、活動廣場、兒童遊憩設施等,旁邊有一條二水登廟步道,單程全長約1.8公里,沿途綠樹夾道,常可遇見台灣獼猴蹤影; 一般遊客都是以此為出發點,向上爬至步道終點為受天宮,可欣賞廟宇建築的雕梁畫棟、飛簷燕尾等風格特色,加上視野極佳,俯瞰濁水溪畔二水鄉景色、遠處平原、青山、綠谷盡收眼底,路線除了最後的陡階梯稍稍難外,是老少咸宜的登山健行路線。
Located at the southern end of the Bagua Mountain Range, Fengbo Plaza features a parking lot, activity plaza, and children`s recreation facilities. To its side is Ershui Temple Trail, leading 1.8 kilometers through trees where you can often encounter Formosan rock-monkeys. Climb it to its end at Shoutian Temple and you can enjoy the temple`s carved pillars and painted beams, as well as its swallowtail-roof architecture. It also offers great views of the plain, green mountains, and forested valleys in the distance.

豐柏覓猴趣 Looking for Monkeys at Fengbo
登廟步道擁有不少鳥類及蝴蝶資源,但步道上最引人目光的莫過於台灣獼猴了。此處的獼猴並不怕人,甚至會與遊客近距離互動! 因此,觀察台灣獼猴時,須遵守 ”不接觸”、”不干擾” 及”不餵食的賞猴三不原則,避免讓聰明、好奇的野生獼猴,改變牠們的習性與行為,衍生出向遊客乞食,甚至攻擊事件發生。
There is an abundance of birds and butterflies along the Temple Trail, but the most eye-catching creature here is the Formosan macaque, or rock monkey. The monkeys are not afraid of humans, and even interact with them up close. When observing the monkeys you should observe these three principles: no contact, no disturbance, no feeding. Avoid helping these intelligent and curious wild monkeys change their habits and behavior so that they beg for food or even attack people.